Monday, November 26, 2018

Challenging Students' Views

I work at a Christian high school. I would be naive to believe my students somehow all share the same beliefs. But I too was a Christian in high school, and my beliefs have changed and matured since then. Part of my mission in serving at this high school is to challenge these students to see the world differently than they have before, or differently than they have been taught. Today I shared this TED talk with a group of them.

Dylan Marron is someone whose political views and lifestyle are very different that what my students are used to. If they are different than yours, watch this with an open mind: What Dylan has to say, regardless of his political opinions, is true. I believe this, and respect him. The respect that he has for those who speak ill of him is admirable.

Here are the questions I challenged my students with and now challenge you:
1. How do you respond to people who disagree with you?
   - In person?
   - Online?
Is there a difference? Why?
2. How would (do you) respond to online negativity or bullying?
3. "Empathy is not endorsement." What does he mean? How could this talk change someone's perspective?
4. Which person's response is the most Christ-like?

Saturday, August 4, 2018

A New View

I just finished moving into a new apartment.There's still unpacking to do, but here are a few pictures of the new space!

This is the view from outside. That big window is in my entryway.

My front door!

Bathroom. Not much more to say there.

The kitchen is recently redone, but it lacks storage space, so I'll be looking to add some more shelving. Pardon the mess!

One of my favorite features is this deep window sill! This is my roommate's room, so I hope she doesn't mind! You can see the fire station outside.

I still need somewhere to store the blankets, but here is a little sitting area flooded with natural light.

My bedroom, complete with twinkle lights!

Hope you enjoyed the virtual tour! Come and visit anytime. My current location is only a three minute walk from school! I'm excited for the adventures to come in my new home.

Let me know if you'd like my new address!