Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Arise and Share in the Father's Joy

This week we have chapel every morning, as opposed to only Fridays. We have a guest speaker and worship band visiting us, for what we call Spiritual Emphasis Week. The speaker and band leader are both graduates of BFA, so they can relate well to our students. The speaker, Andi, has taken our theme, Arise, and daily shared through the scriptures what that means. On Tuesday he encouraged us to look again at the parable of the Prodigal, in Luke 15. How many sons are in the story? The younger brother gets all the attention, because he seemingly does the more horrible thing. "Dad, I wish you weren't here. Give me the stuff that I'll get when you die. Give it to me now." When he works up the courage to return, he plans to earn his way back. "Make me a hired servant in your house." But the older brother actually does something similar. When the younger returns, the older refuses to feast with everyone. He is mad that his Dad killed the fattened calf, which belongs to him! Because he too received his inheritance, he sees his brother returning as a threat to that inheritance. "Now that brother is back, that means I get less stuff!" So he is also saying to his father, "I don't want you here. I want the stuff you own." And this brother is not reconciled to the father. Jesus ends the story there, as though to ask his listeners, the Pharisees, will you come in? I am already eating with the younger brother, the tax collectors and sinners, and you're invited as well. Will you join with us?

The church I attend, Calvary Chapel Kandertal, is in need of a worship leader. Up until last week, we were listening to and singing along with YouTube worship songs. Last Sunday, I, my roommate Emily, and a BFA student, led live worship for the growing church. We plan to do so again this coming week. I really just had fun with this. We're singing songs in German and in English, I'm trying to choose songs that people already know, or can figure out quickly, but my goal is really to find worship that reflects the glory of God and fits well with the message that Pastor Frank brings. Please pray for me as I choose worship songs, pray for the team as we practice, and for God to raise up a permanent worship leader!

I ask that you also pray for the child of some of my dear friends here. His name is Broden. He is only 9 months old, and has been in the hospital since Saturday. The doctors believe there may be neurological problems, but all tests thus far have been inconclusive. Here is the most recent update from his parents, Lauren and Adam: "Broden Update #4: We are so thankful that an MRI has been scheduled for this coming Friday. In the meantime, we will remain in the hospital. We are hoping and praying that this test will reveal the issue so further action can be taken. They have also taken additional blood and urine samples in order to test for additional abnormalities. Please especially pray for us on Friday as Broden will be put under anesthesia for the MRI. Please also pray that results will determine the underlying cause for all of his issues. Thank you all for your love, support and prayers!"

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