Saturday, April 20, 2019

Grace and Peace in the Silence

Yesterday was Good Friday. Jesus was crucified. His body was laid in the tomb. Today, Saturday, we can only wait. Imagine how it was for his friends and family on that Saturday 2000 years ago. They didn't know what the next morning would hold. They only knew the silence of God.

How could they be comforted, knowing that Jesus was dead. They knew he was God, they knew he was important. So how could this have been allowed to happen? Did they have the hope that we now have?

When hard things happen to us, it's very easy to say, things will get better. Sunday is coming! But we can't always know that Sunday will dawn. On our Saturdays, sometimes all we can do is wait. If it hadn't been the Sabbath, the women would have gone to dress Jesus body sooner. They wouldn't have waited for Sunday morning if God hadn't commanded Saturday to be set aside as holy. So that Saturday was set apart from the creation of the world for silence and for waiting.

What day is it for you? Are you in the midst of suffering, or watching someone you love suffer? Are you rejoicing in the resurrection, knowing full well that God keeps his promises? Or is it Saturday for you? Trying to remember God's promises, wanting to do something, anything to make Friday better. Waiting for a miracle.

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