Friday, August 26, 2016

Ich möchte une crépe.

On Sunday, some friends and I decided to drive to France for the afternoon. That's one of the strangest sentences I've ever written. Whose life is this? How blessed am I, that we can just pop over into France for an afternoon? Oh, and the town we visited, Colmar, is the basis for the animated town in Beauty and the Beast. See the similarities?

Because we were in France, I had to of course speak some French. I haven't spoken any French since freshman year of High School, when I studied it. Believe me, it's pretty rusty.

There were shops everywhere full of sweets and treats. This store sold many varieties of candied fruits (pictured above). We also made sure to get crepes. We had to stand in line and look up the French words on the menu to know what the topping choices were. At this point my German got in the way, and I may have tried to order in a mixture of German and French.

I have also been working very hard at lesson planning and preparing for students to arrive. New students arrive on Monday, returning students on Tuesday. And opening ceremonies are on Wednesday. I have tentative lesson plans completed for the first week of classes, but I really need to know where the Unit is going in order to plan the early days.

A few times this week, I have had to just sit back and say "You're done for the day," to myself. At a certain point, I need time to rest and relax and take care of myself. I'm very excited to plan my lessons and future units, but I cannot neglect my need for rest. That's why this trip to France was so fun. I left my computer and textbooks behind and didn't even think about German class. Sunday was truly a Sabbath for me, and I haven´t had one in quite some time.

Even now, I am writing this in the middle of the work day. I need a mental break from planning. I paused to pray, and now I pause to process and reflect in a blog post. Lord, I dedicate these lessons to you. Use me to share the German language with these students. Help me to share a love of language and the German people. Help me equip these students to reach out to our German-speaking community.

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